

i2p terminal http client.


This is a highly-configurable curl/wget like client which exclusively works over i2p. It works via the SAM API which means it has some advantages and some disadvantages, as follows:


These advantages motivated development. More may emerge as it continues.


Only two I know of so far.

Wherever possible, short arguments will mirror their curl equivalents. However, I’m not trying to implement every single curl option, and if there are arguments that are labeled differently between curl and eepget, eepget options will be used instead. I haven’t decided if I want it to be able to spider eepsites on it’s own, but I’m leaning toward no. That’s what lynx and grep are for.

to build:

    make deps build

to use:

Usage of /home/idk/go/src/github.com/eyedeekay/iget/iget/iget:
  -bridge-addr string
    	host:port of the SAM bridge. Overrides bridge-host/bridge-port. (default "")
  -bridge-host string
    	host: of the SAM bridge (default "")
  -bridge-port string
    	:port of the SAM bridge (default "7656")
  -c	Resume file from previous download (default true)
    	Close the request immediately after reading the response (default true)
    	Print connection debug info
    	Disable keepalives
  -e string
    	Set the etag header, not enabled yet, will break when used.
  -h value
    	Add a header to the request in the form key=value
  -header value
    	Add a header to the request in the form key=value
  -idle-conns int
    	Maximium idle connections per host (default 4)
  -in-backups int
    	Inbound Backup Count (default 3)
  -in-tunnels int
    	Inbound Tunnel Count (default 8)
  -l int
    	Control line length of output (default 80)
  -lifespan int
    	Lifespan of an idle i2p destination in minutes (default 6)
  -lineLength int
    	Control line length of output
  -m int
    	Show download progress while it's happening, any number greater than zero enables
  -method string
    	Request method (default "GET")
  -n int
    	Retries(not enabled yet, provided so it doesn't break places where eepGet is already used) (default 3)
  -o string
    	Output path (default "-")
  -out-backups int
    	Inbound Backup Count (default 3)
  -out-tunnels int
    	Inbound Tunnel Count (default 8)
  -output string
    	Output path (default "-")
  -p string
    	host:port of the SAM bridge. Overrides bridge-host/bridge-port. (default "")
  -t int
    	Timeout duration in minutes (default 6)
  -timeout int
    	Timeout duration in minutes (default 6)
  -tunlength int
    	Tunnel Length (default 3)
  -u string
    	Username for authenticating to SAM(not enabled yet, provided so it doesn't break places where eepGet is already used, will break non-empty usernames)
  -url string
    	i2p URL you want to retrieve
    	Print additional info about the process
  -x string
    	Password for authenticating to SAM(not enabled yet, provided so it doesn't break places where eepGet is already used, will break non-empty passwords)
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