
Debian and Ubuntu-ready I2P Repository Mirror Generator(Optionally dockerized, optionally keyless)

This is a script which will set up an I2P apt repository using Ubuntu and reprepro (and optionally docker). It is set up to automatically copy the I2P packages from the corresponding Ubuntu version to the correct Debian version. The output, which can be mounted as a docker volume using the internal path /debian_reprepro , is a fully working Debian and Ubuntu ready I2P repository. It does not require re-signing the I2P packages on the reprepro side(Although this results in a warning from dpkg), meaning it can be automatically scheduled, and it can run either within the docker container or on Ubuntu 22.04 or higher.

I2P Ubuntu Packages Mirror

This setup is an automated tool for downloading, mirroring, and re-signing I2P Ubuntu packages for a Debian repository. When you run it:

The result is a working repository which will work for both Debian and Ubuntu.


Run either:

in order to generate a complete, signed Debian repository by setting up the launchpad packages. Use only one of thse options. run.sh uses Docker to generate the repository and leaves a copy of it it in the ./debian_reprepro directory. reprepro.sh uses the host system directly and leaves a copy of the repository in the ./debian directory. If you’ve run either script before, only new packages will be handled.

When you’re done, use copy.sh to copy the files into the web server directory.

Steps for Maintainers:

If you are a package maintainer, you should also:

In order to use the working reprepro configuration in this directory, i.e. to add packages, make sure to add the --confdir argument:

reprepro --confdir ./debian/conf

This will only ensure that you are always using the configuration in this working directory. Running:

. env.sh

will append the argument automatically.

Minimal, Ubuntu-Only Mirror:

If you only want to mirror Ubuntu packages, it is sufficient to run the go-apt-mirror.sh script, which will leave a copy of the repository in the ./ubuntu directory.

When you’re done, use copy.sh to copy the files into the web server directory.

This command:


Will produce an ubuntu directory in the working directory. This will contain a fully working apt repository filesystem containing I2P .deb packages. They are ready to upload to a server.

The primary advantage of doing things this way is that it requires no expertise, whatsoever, and can be run with a cron job, like so:

0 5 * * 1 bash -c 'cd /home/user/i2p.reprepro/ && ./go-apt-mirror.sh && cp -rv ubuntu/* /var/www/html/'
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