

epoccipital is is an I2P-Hosted Tailscale control server based on the Open-Source Headscale server

Variant created by eyedeekay https //github.com/eyedeekay/epoccipital


    epoccipital [command]

Available Commands

    apikeys                 Handle the Api keys in epoccipital
    completion        Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
    debug                         debug and testing commands
    generate                Generate commands
    help                                Help about any command
    hiddenserve Launches the epoccipital server as a hidden(I2P) service
    mockoidc                Runs a mock OIDC server for testing
    namespaces        Manage the namespaces of epoccipital
    nodes                         Manage the nodes of epoccipital
    preauthkeys Handle the preauthkeys in epoccipital
    routes                        Manage the routes of epoccipital
    version                 Print the version.


    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -h, --help                                                 help for epoccipital
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Handle the Api keys in epoccipital


    epoccipital apikeys [command]


    apikeys, apikey, api

Available Commands

    create                        Creates a new Api key
    expire                        Expire an ApiKey
    list                                List the Api keys for epoccipital


    -h, --help         help for apikeys

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital apikeys [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Generate the autocompletion script for epoccipital for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.


    epoccipital completion [command]

Available Commands

    bash                                Generate the autocompletion script for bash
    fish                                Generate the autocompletion script for fish
    powershell        Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
    zsh                                 Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


    -h, --help         help for completion

Use “epoccipital completion [command] –help” for more information about a command.


debug contains extra commands used for debugging and testing epoccipital


    epoccipital debug [command]

Available Commands

    create-node Create a node (machine) that can be registered with `nodes register <>` command


    -h, --help         help for debug

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital debug [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Generate commands


    epoccipital generate [command]


    generate, gen

Available Commands

    private-key Generate a private key for the epoccipital server


    -h, --help         help for generate

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital generate [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Launches the epoccipital server as a hidden(I2P) service


    epoccipital hiddenserve [flags]


    -h, --help         help for hiddenserve

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)


This internal command runs a OpenID Connect for testing purposes


    epoccipital mockoidc [flags]


    -h, --help         help for mockoidc


Manage the namespaces of epoccipital


    epoccipital namespaces [command]


    namespaces, namespace, ns, user, users

Available Commands

    create                        Creates a new namespace
    destroy                 Destroys a namespace
    list                                List all the namespaces
    rename                        Renames a namespace


    -h, --help         help for namespaces

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital namespaces [command] –help” for more information about a command.


Manage the nodes of epoccipital


    epoccipital nodes [command]


    nodes, node, machine, machines

Available Commands

    delete                        Delete a node
    expire                        Expire (log out) a machine in your network
    list                                List nodes
    move                                Move node to another namespace
    register                Registers a machine to your network
    rename                        Renames a machine in your network
    tag                                 Manage the tags of a node


    -h, --help         help for nodes

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital nodes [command] –help” for more information about a command.



Manage the routes of epoccipital


    epoccipital routes [command]


    routes, r, route

Available Commands

    disable                 Set as disabled a given route
    enable                        Set a route as enabled
    list                                List all routes


    -h, --help         help for routes

Global Flags

    -c, --config string                config file (default is /etc/headscale/config.yaml)
                    --force                                                Disable prompts and forces the execution
    -o, --output string                Output format. Empty for human-readable, 'json', 'json-line' or 'yaml'
    -s, --samaddr string         Address of the SAMv3 API for I2P (default "

7656”) -n, –tunname string Name to use for the I2P tunnel (default “epoccipital”)

Use “epoccipital routes [command] –help” for more information about a command.


The version of epoccipital.


    epoccipital version [flags]


    -h, --help         help for version
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