
###2 Basic System Management - Device Encryption

Goal: Make it prohibitively difficult for an attacker who can physically access your device to read, copy, or alter the data on your device.

This part is comparatively easy and self-explanatory. Android and related Operating Systems have the ability to encrypt the disk which contains the system, software, user data, and similar sensitive information. Encryption accomplishes 2 tasks.

####Configuring Device Encryption The best time to encrypt your phone is when it is 1: Fully Charged, 2: Plugged in to a Power Source, and 3: Mostly Unused. This will result in the fastest, most reliable encryption process.

Enable Password

  1. Open your device’s “Settings” app from the App Menu.
  2. Tap the “Security” menu in the “Settings” App.
  3. Tap either “PIN” or “Password” to set the password to unlock your device.

When your device goes to sleep, the password will be required to unlock the device.

Enable Encryption

  1. Go back to the “Settings” App.
  2. Tap the “Security” menu.
  3. Tap “Encrypt Phone” or “Encrypt Tablet” depending on your device.

Now when your device goes to sleep, it relinquishes the encryption keys until you re-enter the password you set previously.

#####Appendix 2 * Upkeep: This pretty much “Just Works” and shouldn’t change much, and if it does, it’s because something way bigger than you happened. You should remember that without the password, encryption is one-way and cannot be reversed. Don’t forget your password. * Notes: Ideally, you would set two passwords, one to turn the device on, and one to unlock it from sleep mode. This is because each time you enter the password, there is a chance that someone or something is watching which might observe you entering it. A secondary password would keep such an observer from being able to use the screen-unlock password to attack a powered-down device. Since this is not supported in the operating system, keep your disk encrypted but use a second layer of encryption and passwords for sensitive information like the Instant Messengers and Encrypted Notepads we will discuss later.

#####Appendix 2a, Encryption Vocabulary

Codes and Ciphers

Addressing and Transport

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