

Keeping track of my I2P stuff. Contact me on Bote: vmR2XehPFxZcLEXtgqdbn9v0rXeI7P8Zs8WWtrZ8Mim-r4qj1186Q2LaBusGm4i4XSX21UpEthAFjnFPlaPqKA



  1. Basic HTTP Service Tutorial
  2. SSH Tunnel Tutorial
  3. Mattermost Guides
  4. Setting up an NNTP Client for NNTP


  1. So You Want to Write a SAM Library
  2. Writing an HTTP Proxy for your Application in Go


  1. Basic eepSite
  2. Mirror a github pages site
  3. Play Freeciv over I2P
  4. Set up an Internet Radio Station



  1. gosam
  2. sam3
  3. Jsam
  4. ramp
  5. sam-forwarder
  6. go-i2p-dht-poc


  1. multiaddr
  2. go-garlic-tcp-transport


  1. Standalone HTTP proxy
  2. Standalone static web server
  3. SAM-Based resolver
  4. apt-transport-i2p
  5. apt-transport-i2phttp
  6. i2psetproxy.js

My Roadmap/Checklist

Split tunnel configs/Self-installing services

  1. Split configuration directories for i2ptunnel and other applications as appropriate
    • ON TRACK
  2. Self-installing client/service demos for nginx(server only), ssh/sshd, and Mattermost client/server using split i2ptunnel configuration and apt
    • DONE/Actual use blocked by me: at least split i2ptunnel configuration

Begin re-creating an I2P Distro

  1. Port any maintainable, i2p-native bittorrent client to be apt-get installable in Debian, likely BiglyBT or XD
    • DONE (But not by me, done by R4S4S in XD, big thanks to the XD developers)
  2. Produce ISO for “I2P Linux Distro Redux” Project using these features
    • DONE

Applications, clients, and libraries

  1. Browser tunnel identity management UI WebExtension for i2p Browser build
    • ON TRACK
  2. Extended SOCKS Proxy with WebExtension Native Messaging features for i2p Browser build and general use
  3. Create .deb package for Extended SOCKS proxy for PPA/Project Repo
  4. goSam - Up to SAM 3.2, better default signatures.
    • DONE
  5. sam3 - Up to SAM 3.2, better default signatures. Streaming, datagrams, and raw. General improvements.
    • DONE
  6. jsam - Further development
    • DONE
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