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Software Configuration

Debian/ubuntu with NetworkManager

NetworkManager uses its own wpa_supplicant configuration. That is the reason why manually editing /etc/network/interfaces to use wpa_supplicant does not work together with NetworkManager.

You have to disable all interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces e.g. by commenting out each line by inserting "#" as a first character.

You even have to disable Ethernet section to use wifi in network manager. Here is an example

   # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
   auto lo
   iface lo inet loopback
   #allow-hotplug eth0
   #iface eth0 inet dhcp
   #auto eth0
   #iface eth0 inet static
   #auto wlan0
   #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
   #    wpa-ssid YOUR-NETWORK-NAME
   #    wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
   #    wpa-group TKIP CCMP
   #    wpa-psk YOUR-NETWORK-KEY

At your desktop there should emerge a network icon from NetworkManager in the task bar. You can edit the network setting with the gui dialogs.

Debian/ubuntu without NetworkManager

Setup with wpa_supplicant and without network manager

There are many tutorials out there on how to do this. Here is a good one.

Disabling networkmanager. Fully.

Even with the common trick of putting the following in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf


the despotic NetworkManager still will be messing up your careful setup from /etc/network/interfaces, and you might, once again, be left without wifi upon the next reboot.

To stop NetworkManager from running altogether, you can run the following (as root):

echo "manual" > /etc/init/network-manager.override

Now, at least on ubuntu, your wifi driver, wpa_supplicant and ifupdown will not be smacked about anymore.

Simple and dumb WPA setup

Install the following packages, if they are not installed already:

apt-get install wireless-tools wpasupplicant

Edit /etc/network/interfaces and add the following:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid YourSSID
    wpa-psk YourWPASharedKey

This is the most basic, but static, setup possible for wifi. If you need anything more, you need to read up on wpa_supplicant, or run through one of the tutorials referenced above.

Driver specific information


Ampak combines broadcom wifi and bluetooth chips in single modules.

Ampak Devices

Device Type usb/sdio id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel
AP6181 SDIO/UART 02d0:a962 See right bcmdhd brcmfmac
AP6210 SDIO/UART 02d0:a962 See right bcmdhd brcmfmac
AP6212 SDIO/UART 02d0:a9a6 See right brcmfmac
AP6330 SDIO/UART 02d0:4330 See right brcmfmac


Broadcom Devices

Device Type usb id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel


Espressif is a fairly young Chinese company.

Espressif Devices

Device Type sdio id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel
ESP8089 SDIO 6666:1111 out-of-tree driver exists


ESP8089 driver is available from linux-rockchip repository under drivers/net/esp8089. Please note that there are different versions of this driver in various branches.

[1] is a standalone driver verified to be usable on an Aoson M751s device and a mainline 4.6 kernel.


iNet Devices

Device Type usb id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel
iNet i10


RDA Microelectronics is a relatively unknown and new chinese chipmaker.

Device Type usb id / sdio id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel
RDA5991 SDIO 5449:0145

The RDA5990P is a single chip solution which includes Wifi, Bluetooth and an FM radio. Some code for this wifi chip is available in a Rockchip RK3188 kernel tree, but nobody has tested or ported this code yet.


As of Mainline Kernel 4.4.0-rc1, there's a new MAC80211-based driver for all the Realtek 8xxx USB devices called rtl8xxxu. Please try this first as it seems to be lot more stable than "official" realtek drivers.!

Device Type usb/sdio id module sunxi-3.4 kernel mainline kernel
RTL8188CTV USB 0bda:8176 8192cu supported
RTL8188CUS USB 0bda:8176 8192cu supported supported (rtl8xxxu or rtl8192cu)
RTL8188ETV USB 0bda:0179 8188eu supported supported (staging driver)
RTL8188EUS USB 0bda:8179 8188eu supported
RTL8189FTV SDIO 024c:f179
RTL8192CU USB 0bda:018a 8192cu supported supported (rtl8192cu)
RTL8723AU USB 0bda:0724 8723au supported (see below) supported (rtl8xxxu or staging server)
RTL8723BS SDIO 024c:b723 8723bs supported (see below)

sunxi-3.4: Driver refuses to load

When using the rt5370sta, 8188eu, 8189es or 8192cu drivers, which are all for USB based realtek devices, it might occur that the driver refuses to load:

ERR: script_parser_fetch usb_wifi_usbc_num failed
modprobe: can't load module 8188eu (kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu/8188eu.ko): Cannot allocate memory 

This is because the usb_wifi_para section is missing from your script.bin:

usb_wifi_used = 1
usb_wifi_usbc_num = 2

Where usb_wifi_usbc_num is the usbc to which your realtek usb wireless chip is attached.

Edit the .fex file and create the script .bin as explained in our Manual build howto, and send a patch to sunxi-boards in to our mailinglist.



The sunxi-3.4 branch currently has v4.1.2_4787.20120803 available. There are newer versions available at https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8188eu/ which are v4.1.4_6773.20130222 and v4.1.8_9499.20131104. There's also a v4.1.8 file available at https://github.com/LazyZhu/myblog/raw/gh-pages/file/RTL8188EUS_RTL8189ES_linux_v4.1.8_9499.20131104.zip which is likely the original from Realtek.

Here's how to compile the latest version from Realtek:

Extract the driver/rtl8188EUS_rtl8189ES_linux_v4.1.8_9499.20131104.tar.gz from the RTL8188EUS_RTL8189ES_linux_v4.1.8_9499.20131104.zip file and extract it. These instructions assume your linux-sunxi directory is in the same directory as your rtl8188EUS_rtl8189ES_linux_v4.1.8_9499.20131104 directory. It's also assumed that you've configured the kernel to include the 8188eu driver that's part of linux-sunxi.

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -C ../linux-sunxi/ M=`pwd` modules

copy the 8188eu.ko file over to the device and then install it into your kernel with the following commands (on the device as root):

modprobe -r 8188eu
rm -rf /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8188eu
install -p -m 644 8188eu.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
modprobe 8188eu

There are two changes you may want to make in include/autoconf.h:

1. The default is to output a LOT of logging and you can disable that by commenting out the following line:

#define CONFIG_DEBUG /* DBG_871X, etc... */

2. The default is to disable the activity LED on the wifi device which you may want to see to know that it's working. You can change that by un-commenting the following line:

//#define CONFIG_LED

Mainline Kernel

This driver requires firmware not available in the mainline kernel tree or standard realtek firmware packages.

The 8188eu driver is currently at Staging driver. You can enable via into Staging Driver configuration.

Please fetch rtl8188eufw.bin and put it in /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/


Workaround for dropping connection because power save.

[ 1139.170000] rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Normal
[ 1139.170000] rtl8192c_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(): Mode = 1, SmartPS = 2
[ 1139.850000] rtw_set_ps_mode(): Busy Traffic , Leave 802.11 power save..
[ 1139.850000] rtl8192c_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(): Mode = 0, SmartPS = 0
[ 1141.170000] rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Save
[ 1145.170000] rtw_set_ps_mode(): Enter 802.11 power save mode...

To fix the problem create a file /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf with the following contents:

options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0


This device has no driver included in the kernel, but you can install it separately. It also supports Bluetooth 4.0 functionality by another driver.

For Wifi, check out the RTL8723AU driver from https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723au.git and compile with the following command:

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -C ../linux-sunxi/ M=`pwd` modules

NOTE: This command assumes that you checked out the rtl8723au repo into the same directory as the linux-sunxi repo (note the ../linux-sunxi/ points to where your local kernel repository is)

copy the 8723au.ko file over to the device and then install it into your kernel with the following commands (on the device as root):

install -p -m 644 8723au.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
modprobe 8723au

You should now see a new wireless device if you run iwconfig.

NOTE further, that this is an USB device attached to an internal USB-host. Make sure the host is activated in FEX.


An out of tree driver can be found here.

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