CedarX binary analysis

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Object file observations

While android and linux are different beasts from the userspace sense, It could be that the code was written in such way, that it could compile to both targets. Meaning that object files could be similar enough.

From android

The android-linux libvecore.a (md5sum 1c347a9ad3072ce3288bd6dba625b2a4) static lib contains the following object files:

sunxi-bsp/cedarx-libs/libcedarv/android/libvecore $ arm-pc-linux-gnueabi-ar t libvecore.a | sort

Object Codec extra info notes
avs.o AVS though it looks incomplete
decfile.o General Decode File?
decoder.o General Decoder?
get_bits.o General Read bits?
h264.o MPEG4-AVC h264 decoder
h264_hal.o MPEG4-AVC h264 hardware abstraction layer
h264_register.o MPEG4-AVC h264 direct CPU register access?
h264dec_drv.o MPEG4-AVC h264 decoder driver?
jpeg_dec_lib.o JPEG Decoder Library
jpeg_hal.o JPEG Hardware Abstraction Layer
libve.o Video Encoder?/Engine? Library?
mjpeg.o MJPEG
mp4_dec_divx311.o MP4 DivX 3.11 decoder
mp4_dec_h263.o MP4 h263 decoder
mp4_dec_vp6.o MP4 vp6 decoder
mp4_deccommon.o MP4 common mpeg4 (container?) decoder
mp4_decfrm_normal.o MP4 decoder frame?
mp4_hal.o MP4 Hardware Abstraction Layer
mp4_header.o MP4 container header?
mp4_register.o MP4 direct CPU register access?
mp4_tables_311.o MP4 DivX 3.11 lookup tables?
mp4_talbe.o MP4 lookup tables?
mp4_vld.o MP4 Variable Length Decoder?
mp4_vld_311.o MP4 DivX 3.11 Variable Length Decoder?
mpeg2.o MPEG2
mpeg2Dec.o MPEG2 Decoder
mpeg2Hal.o MPEG2 Hardware Abstraction Library
mpeg4.o MPEG4-AVS
rv.o RealVideo 8 and 9 (Fourcc RV30 and RV40)
rv_core.o RealVideo core
rv_hal.o RealVideo Hardware Abstraction Layer
rv_huffTab.o RealVideo Huffman tables
vc1.o VC1 should be able to handle WMV3 bitstreams also
vc1debug.o VC1 debug lib
vc1dec.o VC1 decoder
vc1dec_drv.o VC1 decoder driver
vc1decbit.o VC1
vc1decbitpl.o VC1
vc1decbitpltab.o VC1
vc1decent.o VC1
vc1decpic.o VC1
vc1decpictab.o VC1
vc1decseq.o VC1 Decoder sequencer
vc1decslice.o VC1 Decoder slicer
vc1gentab.o VC1 Table Generator
vc1hrd.o VC1
vc1register.o VC1 Direct CPU registers access?
vc1tools.o VC1 tools?
vp8.o VP8 main
vp8Coef.o VP8 Coefficients
vp8Dec.o VP8 Decoder
vp8DecFrm.o VP8 Decoder Frame?
vp8Hal.o VP8 Hardware Abstraction Layer
vp8Quantizer.o VP8 Quantizer

The rest of the bits are all open source, see the linux-sunxi github. The exception is libcedarxalloc.a, but as mentioned above, we have open_cdxalloc.

From linux-armhf

The linux-armhf libvecore.so (md5sum a026d27307e5204db191878651cc6394) shared object contains the following functions: linux-armhf functions The rest of the bits are all open source, see the linux-sunxi github. The exception is libcedarxalloc.a, but as mentioned above, we have open_cdxalloc.

Function references

So far the following references can easily be observed with readelf -W -s. This is just an indication of some functions, by far complete as it would take way to long and is not really needed.

FFmpeg huffman tree builder: ff_huff_build_tree() http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/huffman_8c.html

libjpeg: get_soi() http://sourceforge.net/p/libjpeg-turbo/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/jdmarker.c

libvp62: VP62_InitCoeffScaleFactors() http://en.verysource.com/code/5378534_1/libvp62.h.html

H264/AVC Reference encoder/decoder: remove_frame_from_dpb() http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/doc/lenc/html/mbuffer_8c.html#901bd781eb9aef8b79e98b8e10fbc2aa

VC1 Reference decoder: vc1_eResult vc1DECPIC_UnpackInterlaceMVModeParams() http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Understanding_VC-1#vc1DECPIC_UnpackInterlaceMVModeParams

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