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The AXP152 is the PMIC (Power Management IC) developed by X-Powers, a sister company of Allwinner.


Overview [1]

AXP152 is a highly integrated power management IC that provides easy and flexible power solution for applications that require multi-rail outputs. It has fully met the increasingly complex needs of application processors on accurate power control.

AXP152 integrates an adaptive and USB-compatible PWM charger, four step-down converters (Buck DC-DC converter), seven low dropout regulators. It also Featuress protection circuitry such as over/under-voltage protection (OVP/UVP), over-temperature protection, and over-current protection (OCP) to guarantee the power system security and stability.

In addition, AXP152 includes a Two Wire Serial Interface (TWSI), through which the application processor is capable of enabling/disabling some power outputs, programming the voltage to decrease the power consumption, and provides customers with unprecedented experience of power management.

AXP152 is available in an 5mm x 5mm 40-pin QFN package.

Pinout Diagram


Features [1]

  • 4*Buck DC-DC Converters
  • DC-DC1:PFM/PWM mode,scaling in 1.7-3.5V,50mV/step,Output current 1A
  • DC-DC2:PFM/PWM mode,scaling in 0.7-2.275V,25mV/step,Output current 2A, DVM
  • DC-DC3:PFM/PWM mode,scaling in 1.7-3.5V,50mV/step,Output current 1.2A
  • DC-DC4:PFM/PWM mode,scaling in 1.7-3.5V,25mV/step,Output current 1.2A
  • System Management
  • Support software shutdown or hardware power off
  • External wakeup source
  • Output monitor
  • PWROK signal for reset or power off
  • Programable power on voltage or sequence
  • 7 LDOs
  • LDO0:Output current 1.5A,Internal 500/900/1500mA current limited option
  • RTCLDO:On for RTC31,Output 3.1V, One for RTC13,Output 1.3/1.8V
  • ALDO1:Analog LDO,scaling in 1.2-3.3V, 300mA
  • ALDO2:Analog LDO,scaling in 1.2-3.3V, 300mA
  • DLDO1:Digtal LDO or Switch,scaling in 0.7-3.5V,100mV/step,300mA
  • DLDO2:Digtal LDO or Switch,scaling in 0.7-3.5V,100mV/step,300mA
  • GPIOLDO:Low noise LDO, scaling in 0.7-3.5V,100mV/step,30mA
  • Host Interface
  • Programable Interrupt and wakeup management
  • Multi-function Pins
  • Internal Timer

Typical Usage

AXP 152 usage with single or no battery

AXP 152 usage with single or no battery

AXP 152 usage with another PMU (usually with multi-cell battery)

AXP 152 usage with another PMU (usually with multi-cell battery)

Pinout List

Number Pin Name Type Control Criteria Description
1 GPIO1 IO Reg 91h [2:0] GPIO1
2 PWRON I Power On-Off key (PEK) input, Internal 100kΩ pull-up resistor to APS
3 DC3SET I Set the default output voltage for DC-DC3
4 VIN2 PI DC-DC2 Input Source
5 LX2 IO DC-DC2 Inductor
6 PGND2 G DC-DC2 NMOS ground
7 DCDC2 I DC-DC2 Feedback
8 DLDO1 O DLDO1 Output
9 DLDO2 O DLDO2 Output
10 DLDOIN PI DLDO Input Source
11 DCDC3 I DC-DC3 Feedback
12 VIN3 PI DC-DC3 Input Source
13 LX3 IO DC-DC3 Inductor
14 PGND3 G DC-DC3 NMOS ground
15 VINT PO Internal logic power, 2.5V
16 N_RSTO O Output enable signal for external power module
17 RTC13 O RTC power output for host RTC block
18 RTC31 IO RTC power output or input for host RTC block
19 ALDOIN PI Power supply for analog and ALDO1/2
20 VREF I Internal reference voltage
21 ALDO2 O ALDO2 Output
22 ALDO1 O ALDO1 Output
23 PWREN IO Reg 93h [2:0] Enable input for some power module, can be configured for GPIO3 (REG93 [3:0])
24 GPIO2 IO Reg 92h [2:0] GPIO2 / SYSEN
25 DCDC4 I DC-DC4 Feedback
26 PGND4 G DC-DC4 NMOS ground
27 LX4 IO DC-DC4 Inductor
28 VIN4 PI DC-DC4 Input Source
29 LDO0IN PI LDO0 Input Source
30 LDO0EN I LDO0 Enable Input
31 IRQ IO IRQ output
32 LDO0 PO LDO0 Output
33 PWROK O Power good indicator
34 SDA IO Serial interface data pin. Normally pulled-up to 3.3V by 2.2k resistor
35 SCK I Serial interface clock pin. Normally pulled-up to 3.3V by 2.2k resistor
36 PGND1 G DC-DC1 NMOS ground
37 LX1 IO DC-DC1 Inductor
38 VIN1 PI DC-DC1 Input Source
39 DCDC1 I DC-DC1 Feedback
40 GPIO0 IO Reg 90h [2:0] GPIO0
41 EP (GND) G Exposed Pad, need to connect to ground

Functional Diagram

Function Block Diagram

Control and Operation


This section corresponds to section 9.2 in the datasheet.

The AXP152 features 4 DC-DC step-down (buck) converters, and 7 linear regulators. The DC-DC converters operate in automatic (PFM + PWM) or PWM mode, controllable via reg 80h, at a default frequency of 2.25 MHz. The frequency is controlled via reg 37h. It also supports spread spectrum.

Output Type Voltage Range Default Voltage Enable steps Example Usage Maximum Output Note
DCDC1 Buck 1.7 - 3.5 V Configurable 1 3.3V I/O 1000 mA
DCDC2 Buck 0.7 - 2.275 V Configurable 1 1.25V core 2000 mA
DCDC3 Buck 0.7 - 3.5 V Configurable 1 1.5V DDR 1200 mA
DCDC4 Buck 0.7 - 3.5 V Configurable 1 1.25V CPU 1200 mA
RTC-LDO LDO Fixed 3.1/1.3/1.8 V 1 RTC 30 mA Always on
LDO0 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V Off Off N/A 1500 mA Can be used for current limiting
ALDO1 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V Off Off N/A 300 mA Low noise
ALDO2 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V 1.8 V 1 N/A 300 mA Low noise
DLDO1 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V Off Off N/A 300 mA
DLDO2 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V Off Off N/A 300 mA
LDOIO0 LDO 0.7 - 3.3 V Off Off N/A 20 mA Low noise, output on GPIO0


This section corresponds to section 9.6 in the datasheet.

The AXP221 pulls the IRQ pin low to signal an interrupt to the host, and stores the interrupt status in the interrupt status registers (48h ~ 4Ch). Writing 1 to the corresponding bit clears the interrupt. When there are no interrupts, the IRQ pin is pulled up (by an external 51KΩ resistor). Each interrupt can be masked via the interrupt control registers (40h ~ 44h).

Register Address
Control Status Bit Interrupt # Description Notes
40h 48h [7]
40h 48h [6] IRQ 1 LDO0IN connected
40h 48h [5] IRQ 2 LDO0IN removed
40h 48h [4]
40h 48h [3] IRQ 3 ALDO0IN connected
40h 48h [2] IRQ 4 ALDO0IN removed
40h 48h [1]
40h 48h [0]
41h 49h [7]
41h 49h [6]
41h 49h [5] IRQ 5 DC-DC1 output voltage lower than 90%
41h 49h [4] IRQ 6 DC-DC2 output voltage lower than 90%
41h 49h [3] IRQ 7 DC-DC3 output voltage lower than 90%
41h 49h [2] IRQ 8 DC-DC4 output voltage lower than 90%
41h 49h [1] IRQ 9 PEK short press See reg 36h
41h 49h [0] IRQ 10 PEK long press See reg 36h
42h 4Ah [7] IRQ 11 Timer expired See reg 8Ah
42h 4Ah [6] IRQ 12 PEK rising edge
42h 4Ah [5] IRQ 13 PEK falling edge
42h 4Ah [4]
42h 4Ah [3] IRQ 14 GPIO 0 edge trigger See reg 90h
42h 4Ah [2] IRQ 15 GPIO 1 edge trigger See reg 91h
42h 4Ah [1] IRQ 16 GPIO 2 (SYSEN) edge trigger See reg 92h
42h 4Ah [0] IRQ 17 GPIO 3 (PWREN) edge trigger See reg 93h


Power Control

REG 01H: Power operating mode and charge status indication
Bit Description R/W
7-6 Reserved R
5 LDO0IN status when LDO0EN pin is high
0: LDO0IN not present (< 3.5V);
1: LDO0IN present (> 3.8V)
4 TWI interface enabled (SIEN pin) R
3 IRQ pin triggered power on R
2 PWRON button triggered power on R
1 Reserved R
0 ALDOIN rising edge triggered power on R
REG 12H: Power output control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 DC-DC1 on/off RW OTP
6 DC-DC2 on/off RW OTP
5 DC-DC3 on/off RW OTP
4 DC-DC4 on/off RW OTP
3 ALDO1 on/off RW OTP
2 ALDO2 on/off RW OTP
1 DLDO1 on/off RW OTP
0 DLDO2 on/off RW OTP
REG 13H: ALDO1/2 operation mode control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-4 none
3 ALDO1 operation mode
0: low noise;
1: low power
RW 0
2 ALDO2 operation mode
0: low noise;
1: low power
RW 0
1-0 Reserved RW 00
REG 15H: LDO0 control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 LDO0 on/off

no effect if LDO0EN is connected to LDO0IN

RW 0
6 Reserved RW 0
5-4 LDO0 voltage
00: 5V   ; 01: 3.3V
10: 2.8V ; 11: 2.5V
RW 00
3-2 Reserved RW 00
1-0 LDO0 current limit
00: no limit
01: 1500mA
10: 900mA
11: 500mA
RW 00
Reg 23h: DC-DC2 output voltage
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-6 Reserved
5-0 0.7 - 2.275 V, 25 mV/step RW OTP
Reg 25h: DC-DC 2 Voltage Ramp Control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-4 None
3 Reserved RW 0
2 DC-DC2 VRC enable RW 0
1 Reserved RW 0
0 DC-DC2 voltage ramp rate
0: 25mV/15.625μs = 1.6mV/μs
1: 25mV/31.250μs = 0.8mV/μs
RW 0
Reg 26h: DC-DC1 output voltage
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-4 None
0000: 1.7V  0001: 1.8V  0010: 1.9V  0011: 2.0V
0100: 2.1V  0101: 2.4V  0110: 2.5V  0111: 2.6V
1000: 2.7V  1001: 2.8V  1010: 3.0V  1011: 3.1V
1100: 3.2V  1101: 3.3V  1110: 3.4V  1111: 3.5V
Reg 27h: DC-DC3 output voltage
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-6 Reserved RW 00
5-0 0.7 - 3.5 V, 50 mV/step RW OTP & DC3SET pin
Reg 28h: ALDO1/2 output voltage
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-4 ALDO1 output voltage
0000: 1.2V  0001: 1.3V  0010: 1.4V  0011: 1.5V
0100: 1.6V  0101: 1.7V  0110: 1.8V  0111: 1.9V
1000: 2.0V  1001: 2.5V  1010: 2.7V  1011: 2.8V
1100: 3.0V  1101: 3.1V  1110: 3.2V  1111: 3.3V
3-0 ALDO2 output voltage
0000: 1.2V  0001: 1.3V  0010: 1.4V  0011: 1.5V
0100: 1.6V  0101: 1.7V  0110: 1.8V  0111: 1.9V
1000: 2.0V  1001: 2.5V  1010: 2.7V  1011: 2.8V
1100: 3.0V  1101: 3.1V  1110: 3.2V  1111: 3.3V
Reg 29h: DLDO1 voltage control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 DLDO1 mode
0: LDO mode, voltage controlled by bits [4:0]
1: Switch mode, voltage close to DLDOIN
RW 0
6-5 Reserved RW 00
4-0 0.7 - 3.3 V, 100 mV/step RW OTP
Reg 2Ah: DLDO2 voltage control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 DLDO2 mode
0: LDO mode, voltage controlled by bits [4:0]
1: Switch mode, voltage close to DLDOIN
RW 0
6-5 Reserved RW 00
4-0 0.7 - 3.3 V, 100 mV/step RW OTP
Reg 2Bh: DC-DC4 output voltage
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 Reserved RW 0
6-0 0.7 - 3.5 V, 25 mV/step RW OTP
Reg 31h: Power recovery and VOFF control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 Pull down PWROK when power recovers
0: Don't pull down PWROK
1: Pull down PWROK during wakeup
RW 0
6-4 Reserved RW 000
3 Power recovery enable
0: Not enabled;  1: Enabled;  Auto-cleared
RW 0
2-0 VOFF voltage:
2.6 - 3.3V, 100 mV/step
RW 111
REG 32h: Shutdown control
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 Shutdown; Writing 1 turns off AXP152; auto-cleared RW 0
6-3 Reserved RW 0000
2 Output power off sequence
0: Turn off all outputs at the same time
1: Reverse of power on sequence
RW 0
1-0 Reserved RW 00
REG 36h: PEK button parameters
Bit Description R/W Default Value
7-6 Power on timing
00: 128ms; 01: 3s; 10: 1s; 11: 2s
RW 10
5-4 Long press timing T = [ 1 + (bit 1-0) * 0.5 ] S; default: 1.5S RW 01
3 Automatic shutdown when pressed longer than Tshutdown RW 1
2 PWROK delay after power on
0: 8ms ;  1: 64ms
RW 1
1-0 Tshutdown = [ 4 + (bit 1-0) * 2 ] s; default: 6s RW 01
Reg 37h: DC-DC operating frequency

Default value: 08h

Bit Description R/W Default Value
7 Enable spread spectrum for DC-DC RW 0
6 DC-DC spread spectrum bandwidth
0: 50 KHz; 1: 100KHz
RW 0
5-4 reserved RW 00
3-0 DC-DC switching frequency F = [1 + / - (Bit3-0) * 5%)] * 2.25MHz RW 1000
REG 80h: DC-DC operation mode
Bit Description Value R/W Default Value
7-4 Reserved RW 0000
3 DC-DC1 operation mode 0: PFM+PWM

1: PWM

RW 0
2 DC-DC2 operation mode RW 0
1 DC-DC3 operation mode RW 0
0 DC-DC4 operation mode RW 0

GPIO controls

REG 90H: GPIO0 control
Bit Description Values R/W Default Value
7 Enable GPIO0 rising edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
6 Enable GPIO0 falling edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
5-3 Reserved
2-0 GPIO0 pin function
000: output low
001: output high (DC-DC1)
010: PWM0 output (DC-DC1)
011: input
1XX: floating
RW 111
REG 91H: GPIO1 control
Bit Description Values R/W Default Value
7 Enable GPIO1 rising edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
6 Enable GPIO1 falling edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
5-3 Reserved
2-0 GPIO1 pin function
000: output low
001: output high (DC-DC1)
010: PWM1 output (DC-DC1)
011: input
1XX: floating
RW 111
REG 92H: GPIO2 (SYSEN) control
Bit Description Values R/W Default Value
7 Enable GPIO2 rising edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
6 Enable GPIO2 falling edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
5-3 Reserved
2-0 GPIO1 pin function
000: output low
001: floating
010: low noise LDO
011: input
1XX: floating
RW 111
REG 93H: GPIO3 (PWREN) control
Bit Description Values R/W Default Value
7 Enable GPIO3 rising edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
6 Enable GPIO3 falling edge IRQ/wakeup 1 to enable RW 0
5-3 Reserved
2 GPIO1 pin function
000: output low
001: floating
010: floating
011: input
1XX: floating
RW 111
REG 96h: GPIO2 LDO voltage control
Bit Description Values R/W Default Value
7-4 Reserved
3-0 GPIO2 LDO output voltage Vout = 1.8 + 0.1 * (Bit 3-0) V RW 1010
REG 97h: GPIO [3:0] input
Bit Description Values R/W
7-4 Reserved
3 GPIO 3 input value R
2 GPIO 2 input value R
1 GPIO 1 input value R
0 GPIO 0 input value R
REG 98h: PWM0 frequency control X0
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM0 frequency (X0) 0 ~ 255 RW

PWM0 frequency = 2.25 MHz / (X0 + 1) / Y0

REG 99h: PWM0 frequency / duty cycle control Y0
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM0 frequency / duty cycle (Y0) 0 ~ 255 RW
REG 9Ah: PWM0 duty cycle control Z0
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM0 duty cycle (Z0) 0 ~ Y0 RW

PWM0 duty cycle = Z0 / Y0

REG 9Bh: PWM1 frequency control X1
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM1 frequency (X1) 0 ~ 255 RW

PWM1 frequency = 2.25 MHz / (X1 + 1) / Y1

REG 9Ch: PWM1 frequency / duty cycle control Y0
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM1 frequency / duty cycle (Y1) 0 ~ 255 RW
REG 9Dh: PWM1 duty cycle control Z1
Bit Description Values R/W
7-0 PWM1 duty cycle (Z1) 0 ~ Y1 RW

PWM1 duty cycle = Z1 / Y1


See Interrupts section.

Spec Sheets

AXP152 Datasheet v1.0 (PDF, 34 pages, 2012-04-01)

See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 X-Powers AXP152 Taken on 2014-05-26
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